Liberal Party of Canada – EDA Electoral District Associations
The Foundation of any Electoral District Association
The Liberal Party of Canada (LPC) supports 338 Electoral District Associations (EDA) from coast to coast to coast. Each association includes an executive board of volunteers who are elected by Registered Liberals within the riding, and the head of this board is the EDA chair. The foundation of any healthy Electoral District Association begins with understanding and compliance of the LPC Constitution, the LPC By-Laws, and Elections Canada.
EDA Board of Director’s positions
Each board position requires time commitment, to attend EDA board meetings on a regular basis, to fulfill your board position duties, and to volunteer in organizing EDA events. The time commitment could be more or less 2 hours per week, depending on your board position and participation. You have the choice to participate in LPC online training and at EDA events. The monthly board meeting is virtually of one-hour duration. The Board of Directors positions are for a term of about 2 years since the last General Meeting (GM).
The EDA board of director’s positions are:
- Chair
- Vice-Chair
- Secretary
- Organization Chair
- Policy Chair
- Director-at-Large (6 voting director positions)
- Treasurer (non-voting director to be appointed by the board)
- Fundraising Chair (non-voting director to be appointed by the board)
Role of the EDA Chair
As the EDA Chair, there are a number of responsibilities. In order to be best equipped to carry out these duties, we would recommend familiarizing yourself with the Party Constitution and By-laws. Links to all of the Party’s governing documents can be found at For the EDA By-Law, refer to LPC By-law 2
The main roles that the chair will be responsible for are:
- Calling regular EDA meetings to order.
- Ensuring that the EDA fulfills its purpose as stated in the Constitution.
- Chairing regular meetings of the EDA.
- Ensure participation in the Day of Action program.
- Other responsibilities as required, as set out in Party By-law 2.
- Be the voice of the EDA at Regional or Executive meetings.
- Ensure any non-financial reporting required by Elections Canada is submitted.
Role of the EDA Vice-Chair
- Will stand in for officers who are absent or unable to perform their duties.
- Will support the Chair in the execution of their responsibilities.
- Will perform all other functions which may serve to advance the purpose of the EDA, as set out in the Constitution.
- May be asked to serve as a designate for the Chair, in representing the EDA at the local, regional, provincial, or national level.
- Will assume the position of Chair until the next general meeting, should a vacancy in the position arise.
Role of the EDA Secretary
- Will work with the Chair to ensure notices, meeting agendas, meeting minutes, and other documentation is distributed to Registered Liberals in the riding, as set out in Party By-law 2.
- Will work to ensure proper notice is given when changes to the EDA board occur.
- Will maintain meeting minutes for all meetings of the EDA, whether regular, special, or general.
- Will maintain a list of all Registered Liberals in the riding.
Role of the EDA Organization Chair:
- Will coordinate with their PTB, Member of Parliament, or nominated candidate, to organize and implement an election readiness program.
- Will coordinate with the EDA Chair when identifying individuals to fulfill the responsibilities of the Field Program.
- Will coordinate with party staff to monitor that the use of Party data is handled in accordance with Liberalist terms and conditions and the Party’s privacy policy.
Role of the EDA Policy Chair:
- Will assist in implementing the policy development process in accordance with Party By-law 3 (Process of Policy Consultation and Development).
- Will work and engage community members and local Liberals to discern issues and concerns prevalent within their riding.
Role of the EDA Director-at-Large:
- These are individuals who hold a voting seat on the EDA board of directors, but do not have a specific area of responsibility, like the table officers discussed above.
- Directors may be asked to lead, or participate in any number of activities, so long as it promotes the general purpose of the EDA, as set out in Party By-law 2.
Non-Voting (Board Appointed) Positions
The EDA board of directors must appoint individuals to the non-voting positions of Treasurer and Fundraising Chair. Appointment to these roles occurs through a simple majority of the voting members of the EDA board.
Role of the EDA Treasurer:
- Will prepare an annual budget and submit it to the board for ratification.
- Will oversee the general financial administration of the EDA.
Role of the EDA Fundraising Chair:
- Will establish annual fundraising targets for the EDA and develop a strategy through which these goals can be met.
- Will ensure that fundraising activities follow the financial rules for Federal political parties, and will respect the commitment made by the Party to increase the standards of Openness and Transparency at fundraising events that include: Cabinet Members, Party Leaders, or Leadership Candidates.
- Will work with the Organization Chair to organize and host fundraising events within the riding.
Other voting board members:
The Liberal Member of Parliament (MP) for the Electoral District, or the Nominated Candidate for election in that Electoral District, as well as one (1) representative from each commission, may have a voting position on the board.
The LPC has 4 commissions: Senior Liberals’ Commission, National Women’s Liberal Commission, Indigenous Peoples’ Commission and Young Liberals Commission.
Each EDA shall:
- Endorse and support the candidate of the Party for election to the House of Commons for its electoral district.
- Engage in, and support, field organizing, outreach, and fundraising in its electoral district, and,
- Facilitate input into Party policy by Registered Liberals (RLs) within the EDA, consistent with the Party policy process as established by the National Board and in accordance with the Party Constitution.